How to create Addon, Subdomain, Alias Domain on cPanel version 106.0 or later?

July 30, 2022 10:44 pm

In this blog, we are going to demonstrate on how create the addon domains, sub-domain or alias domain under the cPanel version 106.0 or later. First of all, lets login to cPanel and follow these steps: Video For Creating Addon domain, Sub-domain, Alias Domain on Cpanel version 106.0 or later: Blog For Creating Addon domain, Sub-domain, Alias Domain on Cpanel version 106.0 or later:
  1. Login to the cPanel.
Logging into cPanel2. Go to the Domains section. And click under Domains > Domains Domains Section 3. So to create the addon domain or subdomain or alias domain we need to Click on "Create A New Domain" as shown in the Photo. Creating the New Domain   Now After this Step, let's Create the Addon Domain Here, continuing from Step 3 above. Addon domain creation   Click on Submit Button Hurray, the addon domain is created and ready to function.   Creating the Sub Domain now, continuing from Step 3 above. After above Step 3, Clicking on Create the New Domain, We need to create the subdomain from there. Creating the Sub Domain For here, you need to write the subdomain name under the domain, for the instance we have domain name "" so I have created the subdomain named "" or I can also create the subdomain of addon domain as I have addon domain "" so I can write "" and create the subdomain as well. And the next thing is we need to Untick the Share Document root and then click on Submit button. Completed Subdomain Hurray, we have successfully created the Subdomain.   Let's create the Alias Domain now, continuingfrom Step 3 Above. After above Step 3, Clicking on Create the New Domain, We need to create the Alias domain from there. Alias Domain We simply need to Enter the Alias domain name, Keep the "Share Document Root" option Ticked, and click on Submit button to create the alias domain. Alias Completed Hurray, the Alias Domain has been successfully created.   Congratulations, From the methods above, you have created the Addon Domains, Subdomains, and Alias Domain successfully.